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¡PTA de Nuevo México en las noticias!

Por favor, siga este enlace a un artículo que destaca los esfuerzos de la PTA de Nuevo México para ayudar a los padres a entender la importancia de involucrarse con la escuela de su hijo y lo que la nueva ley ESSA hace para ayudar a sus estudiantes. Los padres y la ESSA

Por |2017-03-29T12:42:35+00:0029 de marzo de2017|Últimasnoticias, noticias de la Asociación Nacionalde Padres y Maestros|¡Comentarios sobre la PTA de Nuevo México en las noticias!

¡Las nominaciones para el premio NMPTA Orgulloso están siendo aceptadas!

New Mexico PTA is pleased to announce that applications are available for the NMPTA Proud! Awards program for 2016-2017.  Based on the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships this awards program encourages all New Mexico PTA schools to submit entries in one or more categories describing how  the PTA at your school successfully Welcomed All Families, Communicated Effectively, Supported Student Success, Spoke Up for Every Child, Shared Power, and Collaborated With Community.
So fill out the application form today!  Anyone can submit an entry. The deadline for entries is April 7, 2017.  If you have any questions please contact Jeanne Grazier, NMPTA VP [...]

Por |2017-01-31T17:41:37+00:0031 de enerode2017|Últimasnoticias, noticias de la PTA nacional, programas de la PTA|Se aceptan las nominaciones para el premio NMPTA Proud Award!

Felicitaciones a nuestro NMPTA 2016. ¡Orgulloso! ¡¡Ganadores de premios!!

Last spring, after receiving many applications for our newly instituted awards program, three PTAs were chosen for their outstanding effort in the areas of National PTA’s Standards for Family-School Partnerships. These awards, in their first year, recognized the following PTAs: Standard #2: Communicating Effectively – Osuna Elementary PTA, Albuquerque – For expanding their range of communications to reach every parent. Standard #3: Supporting Student Success – Osuna Elementary PTA, Albuquerque – For inspiring their students to become authors. Standard #4: Speaking Up For Every Child – Gadsden Middle School PTSA, Gadsden – For solving the mystery of the uneaten [...]

Por |2016-09-29T07:59:51+00:0029 de septiembrede2016|Últimasnoticias|Comentarios sobre Felicitaciones a nuestro NMPTA 2016 ¡Orgulloso! ¡Ganadores de los premios!

Anunciando la NMPTA Orgulloso! Premios

New Mexico PTA is pleased to announce an all new PTA awards program for 2015-2016.  Based on the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships this new awards program encourages all New Mexico PTA schools to submit entries in one or more categories describing how  the PTA at your school successfully Welcomed All Families, Communicated Effectively, Supported Student Success, Spoke Up for Every Child, Shared Power, and Collaborated With Community. So fill out the application form today!  Anyone can submit an entry. The deadline for entries is April 2, 2016.  If you have any questions please contact Jeanne Grazier, NMPTA VP [...]

Por |2016-03-02T18:51:46+00:002 de marzo de2016|Últimasnoticias, programas de la PTA|Comentarios sobre el anuncio de la NMPTA ¡Orgulloso! Premios

La Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros y LifeLock anuncian el sorteo de Smart Talk para las familias

Sweepstakes encourages families to set technology ground rules 
for a chance to win a trip to Disney World ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Jan. 19, 2016) — National PTA and LifeLock, Inc. (NYSE: LOCK) today announced The Smart Talk Giveaway, in which one lucky family will win a trip to Disney World for a dream summer vacation. The Smart Talk Giveaway is part of a national effort to help families have conversations about online safety and agree on ground rules together for using the Internet and mobile devices. The sweepstakes is now open and all families are encouraged to participate. “Today, kids are [...]

Por |2016-01-26T20:10:19+00:0026 de enerode 2016|Últimasnoticias, noticias de la PTA nacional, programas de la PTA|Los comentarios de la Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros y LifeLock anuncian el sorteo de charlas inteligentes para las familias

Beca de la PTA de Nuevo México para la Tierra del Encanto

Attention PTA High School Seniors and Parents! Since 1915 the New Mexico PTA has been working to fulfill its mission to initiate, support, enrich and advocate for the critical role of adult involvement in the education and life experiences of children throughout the state of New Mexico. The New Mexico PTA is pleased to announce the Land of Enchantment Scholarship to be awarded to a graduating senior with a history of advocating for others in their school or community.  For more details and information check out the application available here.  Applications must be postmarked on or before March 15, [...]

Por |2016-01-12T17:56:34+00:0012 de enerode 2016|Últimasnoticias, programas de la PTA|Comentarios sobre la beca de la PTA de Nuevo México "Land of Enchantment" (Tierra de Encanto)

La Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros elogia la firma del Presidente Obama de la Ley de Hitos Cada Estudiante Tiene Éxito

Association urges successful implementation of the law to ensure 
all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Dec. 10, 2015) — Today, President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 into law. This landmark legislation—which received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House and Senate—reauthorizes the long overdue Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind (ESEA/NCLB). This new law brings needed improvements to K-12 education in the United States, provides greater responsibility to states to meet the needs of all students and acknowledges the essential role of family engagement to student achievement. [...]

Por |2015-12-14T16:29:09+00:0014 de diciembrede2015|Últimasnoticias, noticias de la Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros|Los comentarios de la Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros elogian la firma del Presidente Obama de laLey de Hitos para el Éxito de Todos los Estudiantes

Reciba $200 para su PTA y ayude a los padres a informarse!

Parents have questions about the new PARCC assessments and test score reports. As a PTA leader, we know you want to help them understand what these tests and scores mean for their children. Join New Mexico PTA’s efforts to inform parents about the PARCC tests and how they can support their children at home. We are asking New Mexico PTAs to host an event led by a PTA leader and school personnel to provide this information to parents and families. National and New Mexico PTA will provide all the necessary resources in an easy-to-use online toolkit, including an event [...]

Por |2015-10-21T18:55:59+00:0021 de octubrede2015|Últimasnoticias|Comentarios sobre Reciba $200 para su PTA y ayude a los padres a informarse!

Las escuelas de Nuevo México fueron premiadas con la designación de Escuela de Excelencia de la Asociación Nacional de Padres y Maestros (PTA)

We have exciting news! Two New Mexico PTA schools have earned the National PTA School of Excellence designation.  Only 124 schools around the country received this honor in 2015.   They join nine other New Mexico schools that have been previously recognized.   
It is with great pride that we announce the 2015-17 schools: Montezuma Elementary - Albuquerque Joe Stanley Smith Elementary - Carlsbad   They join the 2014-16 awardees: Bloomfield PTA Blanco Elementary Mesa Alta Jr. High Central Primary Bloomfield Early Childhood Center Capitan Community PTA Capitan Elementary Capitan Middle School Capitan High School Cleveland Middle School - Albuquerque La [...]

Por |2015-09-18T16:36:19+00:0018 de septiembrede2015|Últimasnoticias, programas de la PTA|Comentarios sobre la Escuela de Excelencia de Nuevo México, designada por la Asociación Nacionalde Padres y Maestros.

Los profesores tienen la oportunidad de ganar una subvención de 500 dólares para su clase.® wants to highlight lesson plans that teach students about energy and the environment. The company is committed to helping others learn all about energy, including sustainability, energy savings, industry news and more. The teacher grants are the latest way is encouraging young people to learn about energy. will award six $500 grants to be used toward classroom materials and activities. Grant recipients’ lesson plans will be featured on the website for other teachers to use as resources for their classrooms. Lesson plans can range in subject as long as students are engaged and encouraged to learn [...]

Por |2015-08-26T16:28:46+00:00Agosto26, 2015|Últimasnoticias| Los maestros tienen la oportunidad de ganar una beca de 500 dólares para su clase.
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