NMPTA 105th Annual State Convention Celebrating 105 Years of Family Engagement and Advocacy
August, 20, 21, & 22, 2020
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid Hotel
5151 San Francisco Rd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Reasons to attend the 2020 NMPTA State Convention
- Your PTA unit can run more efficiently.
- Learning the answers to the many questions that come up every year.
- Knowing what you “don’t” know.
- Become familiar with IRS forms, rules and regulations.
- Learn more about Reflections, Membership and Internet Safety programs.
- Why you need insurance and what is the right coverage for your PTA.
- Meet and greet exhibitors on Friday evening to find out what programs, activities, resources and fundraisers are available.
- Talk with other PTAs, National PTA Representatives and State Board Members.
- Great place to learn from and network with other schools.
- Discover why PTA was started in 1897 in Washington DC and in 1915 in New Mexico.
- Affirm why we continue to be largest Parent Teacher Association in the country advocating for every child with one voice!
It is a legitimate use of PTA funds to pay for members to attend.
Make sure to check with your school Principal if there are Title I funds available to pay for registration.
Make sure to consider an Early Bird 4-pack!
Online Registration Coming Soon!
Use the following links for Award Nomination/Scholarship forms:
- NMPTA Proud! Awards Nomination Form
- Land Of Enchantment Student Scholarship Application
- Land of Enchantment Educator Scholarship
- Land of Enchantment Parent/Guardian Scholarship
- National PTA Convention Scholarship
New Mexico PTA Convention 2017 from New Mexico PTA on Vimeo.